Thursday, February 25, 2016

student success statement

                        "if you do what's right, if you live  the right way,you'll be taken care of"

Rachel Castillo

Rachel Castillo indicates that the only way that life will take care of you is by doing what's right. I agree with Rachel Castillo because if your always doing what's right then you wouldn't have to be worrying if your life is going good or not. By always doing whats right, your always going on the right path so your life most of the time is going good. If your living the right way then that must mean that your life is being taken care of in a good way. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

student success statement

                    "in life as in football,you won't go far, unless you know where goalposts are"
                                                  -Arnold H. Glasgow
   What this quote means to me is that you wont get far and that only a few make it out. If you think of it its kind of true only some will make it through. This quote relates to me in a certain way because you cant always make the goals and neither can people. An example id give for this quote is that not all people make it through;as in their dreams; because they get held back and have way too many obstacles. And the people usually give up and try to find something easier. Some will continue to follow their dream and achieve what they want. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

student success statement

                       "Only those live who do good."

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

student success statement

                  "what's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right ."


Example: Smoking was very popular earlier in time, but it wasn't healthy. 

Reflection: What this quote is saying, is that even if the majority is choosing to do something, it doesn't mean that the great quantity of people can't be wrong. In other words, numbers shouldn't affect the ethics of the situation. Just because the number of people choosing the wrong can be great at times, doesn't mean that they are then choosing the right. Be the person to go against the crowd if you know you are choosing the right. Be the maverick who defends their position against the conformists who choose the wrong. Choosing the right no matter what the situation, will make you a better person. Choosing the right in a situation where all odds are against you won't be the popular choice, but your conscience will be clear. Don't conform to something you know is not right, or that you aren't sure about. Be sure to abstain from choosing the wrong and all of the pressure. If society's expectations follow the path of choosing the wrong, then don't act according to those limitations. You are your own person, so make the decision to choose the right on your own if you have to. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

student success statement

                     "you can't be right by doing wrong you can't be wrong by doing right."

Thomas S. Monson

I agree with his statement because when you do the right thing you know it feels right.When you do something wrong you no its not right.When you do the right you feel happy and feel integrity.You know its right because you don't get in trouble.Also people appreciate what you did and sometimes your rewarded.When you do something wrong you feel horrible.You knew it was the wrong thing to do but its to late.You get punished and you have to pay the consequences.That's when you feel bad and you start regretting what you did that was wrong.That is why you have to do what is right in order to be a better person.Always choose the right.

Monday, February 8, 2016

student success statement


                                                "Enthusiasm makes the difference."

                                                    Dr.Norma Vincent Peale

      I agree with Dr. Peale the difference between a winner or a loser is their enthusiasm toward what it is that their doing. You have to want to do what your doing, you have to be excited. That's the only way you'll keep wanting to do what you do. You have to keep it interesting because if not then you'll get bored out and quit. What separates the good with the bad is not only hard work but also their passion for what their doing. Passion can open a lot of doors for what your trying to accomplish. Passion is what makes the difference from being successful and not. Like for example if your parents keep telling you to go to soccer practice but you really don't want to. Then you won't ever succeed in soccer because your not passionate about it. Your not willing to sacrifice stuff just to do that one thing.