Tuesday, April 5, 2016


       Radiation Therapist
The Radiation Therapist, Therapeutic Radiographer or Radiotherapist is an allied health professional who works in the field of radiation oncology. Radiation therapists plan and administer radiation treatments to cancer patients in most Western countries including the United Kingdom, Australia, most European countries, and Canada where the minimum education requirement is often a baccalaureate degree or postgraduate degrees in Radiation Therapy. Radiation therapists (with Master's and Doctoral degrees) can also prescribe medications and radiation, interpret tests results, perform follow ups, reviews, and provide consultations to cancer patients in the United Kingdom and Ontario, Canada (possibly in Australia and New Zealand in the future as well). In the United States, radiation therapists have a lower educational requirement (minimum an associate degree of arts even though many graduate with bachelor's degrees) and often require postgraduate education and certification (CMD, Certified Medical Dosimetrist) in order to plan treatments.

salary:$49,606 - $90,842

education: Certificate, associate's degree or bachelor's degree in radiation therapy

Friday, April 1, 2016

students success statement

“Many think that the short term will be worth the long pain, but it isn’t in
addition, using steroids is cheating and there is nothing worse in sports

reflection:this quote is that in in the actually always exist method new because
is in the method of cooperation and respect in the life and a reflection than
have in benefice of more people and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater
is very correct in the expression than the actor speck .is wrong the expression in a negative
looking always the right.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I like play soccer is the best sport in the world but also I like play with my friends
Remember that when  I had 7 years old started to play soccer, I have only one team
Is call "America" for me is the best team on all Mexico.
I can play soccer with the school team that's moments was happy because I can play soccer
with others persons. Always watching soccer on the T.V . I love play soccer.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

act well your there all honor lies 

I agree with his quote because people say lies.I could say i always do my hw but its not true.When you say something true you are a ctr person.Honor lies is something you say is true and it is.When you say something good about yourself people may agree or disagree.You say your a ctr person.You have to prove you are.You have to show what it means to do the right thing.Act well and you will be rewarded with respect or be appreciated.Always choose the right.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Nursing Home Administrators

Nursing Home Administrators
Duties and Responsibilities:
These people are also called health care administrators. These people manage from clinics to hospitals and practice what physicians do. It depends what they do if their manager tell them what to do. They can be working in offices or they can be helping physicians or helping patients with problems.

The average salary for a Nursing Home Administrator is $103.700 in 2014 but in 2016 it increased to $110,800.


You need at least a bachelor’s degree before becoming one however a master degree could be common. You also need some experience working in offices and people.
I wouldn’t like to become one because it seems hard to get in a job like this because you need to take care of patients and diagnose their problems.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

student success statemen

 "Associate yourself with og good quality if you esteem your own reputation for it's better to be alone than bad company"
Georage Washington 
Image result for George WashingtonWhat George is tryung to say is that if you want a guy im life you have to see what he is and how he is. Don't just get a guy that is cute or just big and puff. No you need a guys that are nice and will taek care of you no matter what you do and he does. But just know that you need a guy with respect and quality. You dont want a guy that is always going out with his friends and that is not going to support you on anything. You need to know if that guy really means it. That will tell you nice stuff when you are sad. That makes food and cleans because your not going to be the only doing that you need to be doing some parts but no all parts. It's not good to have a guy that will just want you for bad stuff and for food and a place to live in. You need a guy that will help you in the ups and downs. You need some one that will be loyal to you not just to be there for nothing. A guy that you will safe with. You need a guy that will be honest if you dont trust him he is not for you. Leave him if he is not worth it. A guy that will always wants what good for him and you. Not  a guy that will just use you in some ways. Find a man that will do the positive things and not the negative things. 

student success statement

"Right is right only when entire"
         -Victor Hugo
  What this quote means to me is that right is only right when you do it without wanting anything in return, Without revenge or evilness. This is important because alot of people "Choose the right" just so that they can get something in return. An example of this quote is lets say you see someone drop their wallet in the street and you are alone and noone else saw it fall. You give it to the owner just so that they can give you money. You will be suprised that this happens alot. Many people do this just so that they get something in return. In conclusion, you should choose the right not because you want people to see that you are a good person, But because you want to do what is right.