Tuesday, April 5, 2016


       Radiation Therapist
The Radiation Therapist, Therapeutic Radiographer or Radiotherapist is an allied health professional who works in the field of radiation oncology. Radiation therapists plan and administer radiation treatments to cancer patients in most Western countries including the United Kingdom, Australia, most European countries, and Canada where the minimum education requirement is often a baccalaureate degree or postgraduate degrees in Radiation Therapy. Radiation therapists (with Master's and Doctoral degrees) can also prescribe medications and radiation, interpret tests results, perform follow ups, reviews, and provide consultations to cancer patients in the United Kingdom and Ontario, Canada (possibly in Australia and New Zealand in the future as well). In the United States, radiation therapists have a lower educational requirement (minimum an associate degree of arts even though many graduate with bachelor's degrees) and often require postgraduate education and certification (CMD, Certified Medical Dosimetrist) in order to plan treatments.

salary:$49,606 - $90,842

education: Certificate, associate's degree or bachelor's degree in radiation therapy

Friday, April 1, 2016

students success statement

“Many think that the short term will be worth the long pain, but it isn’t in
addition, using steroids is cheating and there is nothing worse in sports

reflection:this quote is that in in the actually always exist method new because
is in the method of cooperation and respect in the life and a reflection than
have in benefice of more people and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater
is very correct in the expression than the actor speck .is wrong the expression in a negative
looking always the right.